Nunavut Newbie v.2.0: Iqaluit Newbie

A journal that will hopefully help out anyone who is thinking about moving to Nunavut or anywhere in Northern Canada.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

General Post

Not too much to say right now, but I felt like making a post.

1. I have just updated the Stupid Keywords section. I have been updating it about once or twice a month since I first created it, and it seems to be a popular page on our blog. So check it out, if you haven't already.

2. I bought our first piece of inuit art today. As I was leaving school for the day, a man was showing one of my classmates some jewelry. He had a really nice ivory ring so I said I'd run down to the ATM and come back to buy it. I don't have a lot of interest in carvings, but I do like the jewelry.

When we have working batteries for the camera, I'll post a photo of the ring.

3. I don't know if it's warming up for good now, but this -26C (before windchill) weather feels great. Our themometre actually shows the temperature now, for the first time since about November. I've been amused by southern Ontario's recent "cold snap." Our friends and family find it of utmost importance to inform me when their weather is even remotely similar to ours.

4. I posted some photos of some Northern flyers onto our Flickr last week.

5. We finally have a working computer/TV in our bedroom. We splurged on a nice desktop with a screen far bigger than we'll ever need. The computer has a TV hook-up and with Windows Media Center we can record TV onto the hard drive and watch it later. You can even pause and rewind live TV. It's pretty neat, I love it. I don't know how I lived without it. It's great being able to pause TV when you need to get a drink or something, and then fast forward through any commercials (assuming you were away from the TV for a few minutes). Well listen to me, I sound like an advertisement. Just mentioning Windows Media Center is going to open a whole new world of stupid keywords! Possibly far stupider than "What is Nunavut in Inuktitut?"

That's all for me!

P.S. What IS Nunavut in Inuktitut? Haha...obviously kidding.

(posted by Jaime)

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Blizzard Days!

There has been a major influx of Northern bloggers! Man alive, pretty soon we'll be a virtual community larger than some of the actual communities in the north! We probably already are. I'd say we're bigger than Umingmaktok (census counted a population of 5) but that's a gimme.

Well, like the rest of Kivalliq (and other regions, apparently) we are in the middle of blizzard day #2. Let me tell you, we have been waiting for a blizzard day since we moved here so we are hoping to hold onto this little stint for as long as possible. It is looking like we will be back tomorrow, but I hope I'm wrong.

I pressured Jeff into giving our plans in May a little more thought, and he came up with a great idea. We're going to drive out east to Nova Scotia for our vacation. Hopefully our good friends Matt & Allie will be joining us. I am very excited because I've never been any further east than Montreal and I've always wanted to see the Atlantic ocean. Oops, my brother reminded me that I've already seen it several times. Umm...uh...yeah, I knew that...I just wanted to see if anyone ELSE saw the fib., I guess I just had a "blonde" moment.

In other news, I was finally forced into signing up for Blogger beta. I tried to avoid it for so long but they finally made it impossible to log into your account without switching over. I wish they wouldn't try to present it as if it's an option, because it's clearly not. I hate being forced to try new things like this, so I'm a bit mad at Blogger/Google right now. You can tell I don't have a lot to be mad at when I get annoyed by stuff like this, heh.

(posted by Jaime)

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